Rare headdress of the Igbo culture, a population that occupies the highlands of eastern Nigeria.
In their society, they use a myriad of masks to embody spirits and ancestors. They also play an important role in the administration of justice and in anniversaries
This headdress was attached to the top of the head and appeared during the Ogbon dances, which are celebrations of fertility, propitiated by the cult of Ala, tutelary deity associated with the cult of the earth and mother of all that has life.
This is a work of intriguing charm in excellent condition with traces of cultural sedimentation.
Ancient crest of the Igbo culture
Dating with IR spectroscopy on the wooden material: 1945 +/- 6
Dimensions: h. 44cm L: 28 cm W: 16 cm
Weight: 1306 gr
Material / technique: wooden sculpture with plant fibers and pigments