The leaf gilding on this wooden sculpture by San Domenico, -also known as Domenico di Guzmàn-, doesn't seem to be affected by the years, finely sculpted and painted, appears on a pedestal that cleverly replicates marble in every tiny grain.
The work dates back to the early eighteenth century, it is an object intended for a great collector of ancient sculpture.
As is known to those who cultivate this passion, carefully following the antique market, it is not easy to find objects of this age and with this conservation.
Saint Dominic de Guzman, was distinguished from a young age by charity and poverty.
Convinced that the clergy had to be brought back to that austerity of life that was at the base of the heresy of the Albigensians and the Waldensians, he founded in Toulouse the Order of Friars Preachers who practice clarity of thought, constructive, balanced spirit and practical sense.
The garment is a later addition and the pedestal is included in the price.
Golden sculpture of San Domenico
Dating: early 1700s
Dimensions: H: 68 cm L: 24 cm P: 25 cm
Weight: 5 kg
Material: Polychrome sultura in golden wood